Regular Activities
Every Monday
Wideopen Wellbeing Warm Hub

Wideopen Wellbeing Warm Hub
Come and enjoy a cuppa, and some warmth. Find new friends. Newspapers, quizzes, crafts, singing and more. Soup at 12md
Parent and Toddler group
9.15-11am in term time
Tuesday mornings from 9:15 to 11am at St Columba’s Church, Wideopen, NE13 6NH.
For more information call Jean Nicholson on 07969531677
A warm welcome awaits you!
For more information call Jean Nicholson on 07969531677
A warm welcome awaits you!
Second Thursday of each month
Mothers’ Union
Working together to support families and transform communities – all welcome.
Book group
Monthly as advertised
Coffee drop-ins and other events
As advertised
Contact St Columba’s Church
0191 236 2280
or email